 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Year 4

We have two year 4 classes, taught on the St Paul’s Site. Class 4H is taught by Mrs Sally Heyhoe and Mr Thomas Lacy. Class 4J is taught by Mr Dave Johnston. The classes are supported by a team of teaching assistants.


Hit The Button

In year 4, the children are expected to learn multiplication tables up to 12x12. There are many websites that can help with this, but one that the children particularly enjoy is ‘Topmarks’ - which has a fun, tablet-friendly game called ‘Hit The Button’. As well as tables, children can also practise doubles, halves and number bonds.

The children will also be set tasks and challenges on TTrockstars, which will require the use of their own username and password.  Please note that as these are external websites, I cannot guarantee their content. Please let me know via the office if any links are broken, or if any unsuitable content is found.



In year 4 children will be given Spellings at the start of each half term. To begin with the children will have a small set of words that are practised within class and at home over a number of weeks. We will explore and learn these words through games, challenges and within our daily talk time and English sessions. We will not be completing weekly spelling tests in class but will add more spellings to the list each half term.

Please support your child in learning their spellings through the tasks sent home and the activities on the English page of the website. Certain games and activities can also be downloaded from the English page and used at home.

Details of the curriculum plans, parent newsletters and assessment resources can be accessed below.

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