 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

School meals

The Evolution of our Food Service

We are really excited to announce changes in our school meals service during Spring Term 2023. We are very proud of our school meals provision which we brought in-house 8 years ago. Over the years, our catering team have overhauled our school meals, cooking and serving a range of healthy dishes from fresh ingredients every day. We have kept our school meal prices down, serving high quality, fresh meals at the lowest possible price. Our meals have proved very popular over the years, with a very strong uptake across all year groups.

With a proven track record, we are now ready to take the next step in our school food provision. After the February half term, we will be bringing in an expert catering provider, Nourish Contract Catering, to build on and extend our in-house service. Nourish are big enough to have a structure and offer that works, but small enough to care and personalise their offer to each school. They are a friendly team, anxious to build on our successes. The company has a strong presence in South London and are extending into West London.

To know more about Nourish please use this link

Over the next few weeks, Nourish will take on responsibility for our meals. Much will stay the same, but Nourish will also innovate and evolve our meals. As Nourish establish themselves you and your children will see:

  • Greater flexibility in the meal ordering process
  • Introduction of a canteen offer for our older children, providing more choice in meals each day
  • Introduction of a salad cart
  • Retention of the family service for our younger children
  • New menus, including menus for theme days and taster opportunities
  • Incentives, competitions and other events to encourage healthy eating and to give feedback on the meals to Nourish


This is an exciting next step for our school and the food service we offer. Over the next few weeks and months there will be further information and events for parents offered by Nourish.


We are extremely proud of our in-house food service, which has evolved over many years. The care and dedication of our catering and administrative team has led to our success. As Nourish join us in our meals provision, I would like to take thank all our catering staff for their work over the years.

Universal Free School Meals for Infants
In September 2014 the government introduced the Universal Free School Meal offer for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This means that all pupils in these year groups are entitled to receive a meal at lunchtime without payment. All pupils in these year groups are provided with a meal, unless their parents inform us that they wish to bring a packed lunch.

Junior Free School Meals

At the start of September 2023 the Mayor announced that all primary school children in London would receive free school meals. Therefore, pupils in year 3 to year 6 will now be able to eat a school meal free of charge.

Free School Meals
Families claiming certain benefits and living in low-income households are entitled to free-school meals and should claim this entitlement regardless of the age of their pupil. Claiming a free-school meal also releases additional funding to support your child’s education. This funding is known as the Pupil Premium.

Details of how to apply for a Pupil Premium grant and how the school uses the Pupil Premium funding can be found here.

School Milk

School milk is available through Cool Milk. Registration only takes a couple of minutes. Milk is the ideal mid-morning drink for your child and for many it’s absolutely free.

School milk is free for children under the age of 5. Please register here with Cool Milk.

If your child is over the age of 5, milk is free for children entitled to Free School Meals at our school. Please register here.

If your child is over the age of 5 and not entitled to Free School Meals, you can still order milk by registering here.


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