 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

3B make bracelets from recycled plastic bags

Posted by sbrowne on 02/12/24 at 12:01 PM

This term in English 3B are reading the book One Plastic Bag, the book is based on a real story. In the story the main character Isatou decides to do something about all plastic bag rubbish in her village and collects the bags up and makes them into purses to sell in the city. 

We watched a video of the real Isatou showing how to cut plastic bags up to make thread. 

The children worked really hard to copy this and we then used the thread to make friendship bracelets using knots or plaits. 

Once they were all finished each child took home a bracelet made by someone else to show that we are friends in our class.

3B make bracelets from recycled plastic bags
3B make bracelets from recycled plastic bags
3B make bracelets from recycled plastic bags
3B make bracelets from recycled plastic bags
3B make bracelets from recycled plastic bags
3B make bracelets from recycled plastic bags
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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