 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Nursery practise throwing and catching

Posted by sbrowne on 03/05/23 at 08:31 AM

In PE the nursery children have been practising throwing and catching bean bags. The children started trying to throw a bean bag into a hoop and steadily standing further and further from the hoop. They worked in pairs and were very good at encouraging on another. They then had a go at throwing the bean bag to their partner and back again. They worked hard to watch the bean bag and to try to throw it towards where their partner was standing. 

Nursery practise throwing and catching
Nursery practise throwing and catching
Nursery practise throwing and catching
Nursery practise throwing and catching
Nursery practise throwing and catching
Nursery practise throwing and catching
Nursery practise throwing and catching
Nursery practise throwing and catching
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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