 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson

Posted by sbrowne on 31/01/24 at 08:30 AM

As part of our Victorian Week the nursery children took part in a PE lesson themed around Victorian games and sports. We played glaes like tag and Blind Mans Buff. We had studied photographs of Victorian children playing with hula hoops so we also had a go at using them. We talked about how the materials were different but the ways we used them were the same.

Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson
Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson
Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson
Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson
Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson
Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson
Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson
Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson
Nursery have a Victorian PE lesson
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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