 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Mind Reading

Posted by Mrs Little on 07/01/23 at 07:21 PM

In RSHE 6L have been exploring Stereotypes and Prejudice. This week we discussed what stereotypes are and how we can easily make pre-judgements about others and potentially have the same done to us. 

The children were tasked with some 'mind-reading' where they had to discuss which characters a range of statements might be thinking. I was really impressed with how sensibly the children talked about the statements, and how careful they were not to immediately assume someone might think something because of their race, religion, gender or other characteristic. The children also worked well together to share their views and opinions respectfully. It was a great start to this half term's unit of learning. 

Mind Reading
Mind Reading
Mind Reading
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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