 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Learning to use kitchen utensils

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 15/03/24 at 02:05 PM

​In the year 3 and 4 topic this half term called lunch the children are studying about food. Where items come from, what is healthy, how to maintain kitchen hygiene, how to use different kitchen utensils and about preparing different food products.

Last week in 4L the children learnt how to use a peeler, grater and knife safely to peel carrots, grate carrots and chop cucumber.

The children especially enjoyed that they could eat the finished prepared vegetables.

Learning to use kitchen utensils
Learning to use kitchen utensils
Learning to use kitchen utensils
Learning to use kitchen utensils
Learning to use kitchen utensils
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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