 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Is there a doctor in the school?

Posted by Mrs Riley on 29/01/24 at 06:47 PM

Last Wednesday, Reception had the most wonderful visit from Mr and Mrs Hawthorn, two parents in our class. 

They came to talk to the children about their work as doctors. They showed the children a selection of images including x-rays and showed the children how different surgical equipment is used. 

The children were absolutely amazed by the things they saw and were keen to share their own experiences of being unwell and seeing the doctor. 

Thank you Mr and Mrs Hawthorn for an amazing experience! 

Is there a doctor in the school?
Is there a doctor in the school?
Is there a doctor in the school?
Is there a doctor in the school?
Is there a doctor in the school?
Is there a doctor in the school?
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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