Author Visit
As part of writing week, the children in KS2 were visited by Josh Lacey, a published children's author. He has written books such as 'Grk' and 'The Dragonsitter'. He came to meet with Year 6 and share some of his experiences of being an author.
After asking some extensive questions they were tasked with thinking of an animal for each letter of the alphabet (a real challenge when they got to u and x!). After this Josh explained how this was his starting point for 'The Dragonsitter' as he couldn't decide which animal to use.
The children then chose one of their creatures and produced a 'quick write', imagining they were 'babysitting' this animal and it was creating chaos. The children really loved the task and I was impressed by what they produced in such a short time.
It was a lovely experience to be able to meet Josh and celebrate books and writing.