 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day

Posted by Miss Vanos on 17/11/22 at 11:52 PM

This morning, we completed team challenges where we had to use logic, teamwork and communication skills to solve really tricky puzzles.

After, we participated in a drumming workshop. Our hands were quite sore after!

After lunch we did climbing and abseiling. It was a brand-new experience for many of us and everyone pushed themselves to go outside their comfort zone.

After dinner, we had our last room inspection. Mr Wright chose this night to take his role as ‘army sergeant’ very seriously.

We ended the evening with a wonderful campfire where we sang songs together and ate marshmallows as well as other treats. Mr Wright told his famous story about a boy who stayed at Sayers Croft 80 years ago and might just still be around…

6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
6L’s Penultimate Sayers Croft Day
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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