 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

6L Explore The Globe

Posted by Mrs Little on 21/09/22 at 09:34 AM

In 6L we have been learning about rivers in Topic; how and where they might begin, how they are formed and what rivers there are across the world. To begin our recent lesson we showed our knowledge by playing a game with the inflatable globes. Children were given a country or continent and had to be the first team to identify a river there. Similarly, they were tasked with finding a specific river or body of water across the world.

The children were incredibly enthusiastic and we had a lot of fun, as well as showing what we know about the water in the world.

As our Topic moves forward we will be exploring some river art and creating our own.

6L Explore The Globe
6L Explore The Globe
6L Explore The Globe
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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