 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

5L’s Ice Cream Experiment

Posted by Mrs Little on 03/10/24 at 07:21 PM

As part of Science week, 5L are exploring states of matter and considering what temperature our kitchens should be and how temperatures can affect something's state. We enjoyed discussing the question: ‘Do you need a freezer to make ice cream?’ and discovered that no, you don't!

The children had a brilliant time putting flavoured milk in a bag and surrounding it with ice and a little salt. The next stage was to seal the bag up and do a lot of shaking! The class were very energetic and worked with their partner to take it in turns to shake the bags (with a little help from Taylor Swift as rhythm inspiration!). 

After a good 5 minutes of shaking, most groups were thrilled to discover they had in fact created their own ice cream. They then had the choice to sample their ice cream (which led to even more excitement!). For the children who didn't quite manage to turn the liquid into a solid, they were able to choose to enjoy a sample of the flavoured milk instead. 

We then had a discussion about freezing, reversible and irreversible changes, and the effects of the salt on the ice and its temperature. A great way to celebrate Science Week!

5L’s Ice Cream Experiment
5L’s Ice Cream Experiment
5L’s Ice Cream Experiment
5L’s Ice Cream Experiment
5L’s Ice Cream Experiment
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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