 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

3M Visit the British Museum

Posted by Miss Vanos on 03/12/23 at 03:21 PM

The other week, 3M visited the British Museum to supplement our learning about Ancient Greece!

We saw huge carvings of the gods and goddesses we have learned about, as well as painted clay pots! Some were tiny perfume bottles and others were big enough to fit our teacher! (To see our own versions of Ancient Greek pots, see the gallery!)

We looked at a lot of friezes and talked about how the long carvings told stories. There was an interactive area where we got to feel plaster casts of a real frieze!

We also stumbled upon a very informative video explaining how the Parthenon, a temple at the top of the Acropolis in Athens that is dedicated to Athena, would have looked liked thousands of years ago. We were surprised to learn that it would have all been brightly painted!

We had a great time!

3M Visit the British Museum
3M Visit the British Museum
3M Visit the British Museum
3M Visit the British Museum
3M Visit the British Museum
3M Visit the British Museum
3M Visit the British Museum
3M Visit the British Museum
3M Visit the British Museum
3M Visit the British Museum
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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