 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

3H enjoy French Day

Posted by dhorry on 11/07/24 at 07:53 AM

On Tuesday, Year 3H enjoyed a wonderful day full of French activities. We did some of our research to learn about France and made a quiz for our friends to complete. The highlight was having a story read to us in French by Miss Bourbotte. The children predicted what was happening on the page using some of their french vocabulary to help them. She summarised the story for the children and they were fascinated by listening to a fluent French accent in person. The children created paintings of water lillies in the afternoon in the style of Monet. Well done Year 3H!

3H enjoy French Day
3H enjoy French Day
3H enjoy French Day
3H enjoy French Day
3H enjoy French Day
3H enjoy French Day
3H enjoy French Day
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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