 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Year 1 take a walk around Brentford

Posted by Mrs Barry on 26/09/24 at 04:38 PM
Yesterday we were lucky as the children were able to take a walk around Brentford to investigate the local area. We walked past the church, past the library and then up to the train station. We then crossed the road,…

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Year 1 take a walk around Brentford

Year 2’s Walk Around the Local Area

Posted by nleanage on 26/09/24 at 02:26 PM
Year 2 have been looking at mapping as part of our Geography lessons. We have looked at maps of Brentford and yesterday we used a map to follow a path and mark important landmarks and human features that they have…

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Year 2’s Walk Around the Local Area

Year 2’s Material Observations

Posted by nleanage on 24/09/24 at 07:25 PM
Year 2 went on a walk to look at different materials around us. We talked about objects and the different materials they are made out of and made a list. We found tires, the slide, a bin, the gates and…

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Year 2’s Material Observations

Iron Age Builders in 4J

Posted by Mr Johnston on 24/09/24 at 02:59 PM
After last week's visit to Stonehenge, 4J had a go at making our own version. We started by shaping the stone blocks (much like they would have done originally, but on a much smaller scale!), thinking about how they would…

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Iron Age Builders in 4J

A fantastic start to the year!

Posted by Mrs Riley on 22/09/24 at 09:53 PM
This week we completed our first full week with both Nursery and Reception in the new base. The children have been absolutely amazing! They have explored the areas confidently and have begun to build firm friendships. We have loved getting to…

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A fantastic start to the year!

Year 6 Explore Brentford’s Victorian Past

Posted by Mr Kearney on 19/09/24 at 07:26 PM
On Wednesday, Class 6K went for a walk to the canal to explore Brentford's Victorian past. We stopped at Brentford Lock and were allowed to look inside the toll house where we able to see images of what the area…

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Year 6 Explore Brentford’s Victorian Past

3B visit Stonehenge

Posted by sbrowne on 18/09/24 at 07:55 PM
3B had a wonderful trip to Stonehenge on Tuesday. We were very lucky with traffic so were able to enjoy over 3 hours at the World Heritage Site and still make it back to school in good time. Once we arrived…

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3B visit Stonehenge

Year 2 Conducting Fieldwork!

Posted by nleanage on 18/09/24 at 02:55 PM
Year 2 have been practising their mapping skills this half term and have learned its features like symbols, keys, labels and aerial views. We went on a walk around the school and the children were challenged with finding 8 places…

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Year 2 Conducting Fieldwork!

4J at Stonehenge

Posted by Mr Johnston on 18/09/24 at 09:23 AM
Yesterday, years 3 & 4 took a trip to Salisbury to see Stonehenge. We learned about how historians think the ancient monument was built, including how the stones were transported for miles without modern machinery, and the clever way that…

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4J at Stonehenge

4J - Anyone for tennis?

Posted by Mr Johnston on 18/09/24 at 09:15 AM
This term, year 4 are fortunate to have the coaches from Duke's Meadows tennis club coming in to teach us how to play. We started with practising throwing and receiving a ball, before moving on to basic serving and returning.…

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4J - Anyone for tennis?

6K’s Teamwork Challenge

Posted by Mr Kearney on 15/09/24 at 08:33 PM
In our first RSHE lesson of the year, we discussed the importance of teamwork. After we talked about what makes for good teamwork as well as good teammates, the children were challenged to work together to build the tallest free…

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6K’s Teamwork Challenge

3B explore the Bible

Posted by sbrowne on 13/09/24 at 10:25 AM

In the first lesson of our new topic 3B talked about what we already knew about the Bible. The children worked together in partners to write everything they knew about the bible. They then sorted bible stories from…

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3B explore the Bible

4H are reading ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’ by Kate DiCamillo

Posted by Mrs Heyhoe on 12/09/24 at 03:45 PM
Once upon a time there was a china rabbit who was loved by a little girl…The children acted out the scene where Pellegrina tells her granddaughter, Abilene, a tale about a very beautiful princess who is turned into a warthog…

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4H are reading ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’ by Kate DiCamillo

Collaboration Challenge

Posted by Miss James on 11/09/24 at 03:17 PM
In class 5J the children enjoyed the ‘Collaboration challenge,' in which they were set the task of working together as a team to plan and build the tallest tower using only 6 pieces of paper and tape. All of the…

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Collaboration Challenge

Detectives on the case!

Posted by Mrs Little on 10/09/24 at 07:26 PM
Today in our English groups we discovered a mystery…the strange death of Sir Charles Baskerville! The children entered the room to the ‘crime scene’ and were incredibly excited and engaged, ready to hear the next part of our group text,…

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Detectives on the case!

Marvellous Maths in Year 1

Posted by Mrs Barry on 10/09/24 at 02:12 PM
Year 1 have settled in extremely well to their new classroom and routines. Last week we started off with maths where the children used cubes to count reliably. They did a great job and worked together with their partners. Well…

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Marvellous Maths in Year 1

In 5L, Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM!)

Posted by Mrs Little on 09/09/24 at 08:05 PM
In our first RSHE lesson of the year, 5L discussed the importance of teamwork and how, when everyone plays their part and is valued, you can achieve more. After exploring what makes a great team, the children were split into…

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In 5L, Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM!)

3B learn Tag Rugby

Posted by sbrowne on 05/09/24 at 06:30 PM
3B had their first PE lesson of the year this afternoon. This half term we are learning Tag Rugby. Today the children explored rugby balls and compared them to other balls they had used. We then practised putting them down and…

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3B learn Tag Rugby

Welcome back- September 2024

Posted by Mrs Little on 04/09/24 at 07:18 AM
Towards the end of Tuesday's INSET day, Reverend Sarah visited school with some of her Clergy team and Parishioners to lead a prayer walk around the school sites. This is the second year we have completed this walk and it…

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Welcome back- September 2024
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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