Welcome to St Paul’s CE Primary School. We are a popular Church of England Primary School in the heart of Brentford.
Our small, friendly school welcomes families from Brentford and beyond. We are child-centred and get to know each family individually. We provide a broad and balanced, academically challenging education through engaging and creative teaching activities, underpinned by our Christian values.
The school has two sites: the St Paul’s Site in the original Victorian buildings, and the Alexandra House Site, refurbished and opened in September 2015.
Latest news
3B hunt for minibeasts
As part of our investigations for science week, 3B have been looking for minibeasts around the school grounds. We found snails, slugs, worms, millipedes, butterflies, ants, woodlice and flies. We talked about the best areas to find them in and realised that minibeasts like cool, damp and dark spaces.
Come and see our nursery in action. Our next open morning is on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 at 9:30am, please email the school office on office@stpauls.hounslow.sch.uk to reserve a place.